Biden Administration Foreign Policy Monitor: June

Daily View

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we invite experts and FDD experts to review the organization's external policies. The sites they view are rated as good, fair, neutral, poor, or very poor.

At the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, President Joe Biden said he would support a European initiative to train Ukrainian pilots for the F-16 - a waste of precious time he had previously rejected. The G7 allies have also tried to project unity on China policy, even as the Biden administration continues to be plagued by internal confusion over its China stance. However, this meeting gave Mr. a chance. Biden will discuss a trilateral defense partnership with his Japanese and South Korean partners.

With the help of Congress, the government is pushing for an alliance between Saudi Arabia and Israel. However, the Saudis want security guarantees from the United States, and it is unclear whether Washington is willing to meet Riyadh's conditions. Meanwhile, Biden's team remains hopeful of a diplomatic deal on Iran's nuclear program, even as Tehran continues to face international scrutiny over its controversial nuclear activities. However, the White House has been reluctant to push any effort on him to make it meaningful.

China, Russia and other powers continue to disrupt major international organizations, even as the Biden administration makes little progress on reforms. Finally, the Biden administration acknowledges that Arab stability and the murderous Assad regime in Syria remain at risk.

Check back next month to see how the organization is addressing these challenges and more.

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