Pakistan wants to strengthen ties with Russia: FM Bilawal

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said on Saturday that Pakistan wanted to maintain good relations with Russia.

In an interview with Al Jazeera during his recent visit to Iraq, the foreign minister said Islamabad was committed to strengthening cooperation with Moscow. He also said they wanted to remain neutral in the Ukraine conflict.

Floods that devastated much of Pakistan last year were not of national importance but of international importance, the foreign minister said.

Despite the many economic and political issues facing the country, from climate change to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and internal problems, the foreign minister said he was very confident. When the people of the island unite to overcome these problems and create a good. future.

"It affected 33 million people, including costing a lot of money, and it had a huge impact on Pakistan's economy," he said.

He said he was working with the United Nations on a conference in Geneva to make Pakistan more climate friendly, and said he was trying to meet the $9-10 billion pledges made there.

Although most of the funding is arranged through financial institutions around the world, the Foreign Minister confirmed this.

However, he said he was working to revive the IMF program.

The foreign minister also denied past allegations of misuse of funds to areas affected by natural disasters, saying funds were misappropriated on baseless allegations as there was no evidence. Not discouraged, he continued.

PTI's own "failure"

According to PTI chief Imran Khan, he is the reason for the failure and history will prove it.

The foreign minister stated that the country has faced atrocities in the past and that PTI leaders will continue to support such atrocities. It was written and confirmed he was guided by fraudulent decisions.

He said PTI supporters were deeply disappointed by the Army chief's announcement that the army would not be involved in politics and would remain involved.

He added that the citizens were saddened by the incident on May 9 when PTI supporters attacked the residence of the GHQ and Legion Commander.

He said what happened in this incident was illegal.

Responding to the question, Bilawal said "we don't believe this change will happen suddenly", adding that the only way for change is through the democratic rights of society.

He said the role of ordinary people and politics in relation to parliament should change. Imran Khan does not have much interest in parliament.

"The future of the country cannot be determined by treaties, but by parliament," he stressed the importance of leadership by ordinary people and politicians to strengthen the strength of democracies and create space for others.

He said PPP is a party that has always stood against atrocities, including Musharraf's last atrocity, and lamented that no party in Pakistan has staged an attack like it did against PTI on May 9.

Minister for Foreign Affairs. He said he was not disappointed when he returned to Pakistan to learn about his mother's vision. "Pakistan is transitioning to democracy. We are moving to democracy," he added.

Regarding a question, he said that after the fall of Kabul, people of all ethnic groups placed high hopes on the new leader.

"Pakistan's position is in line with international trends," he said, adding that the international community wanted the Taliban to control women's rights and education rather than use Afghan soil for terrorism.

FM Bilawal also stressed that the cooperation of the international community and the new leadership of Afghanistan is the only way to solve the problem as everyone's goal is to make Afghanistan safe and prosperous. Make yourself comfortable. and his close friends.

It is the desire of the world for the leaders of the

office to meet with the world, he said.

When answering questions, the Foreign Minister said that after the fall of Kabul, terrorist attacks occurred in Pakistan, and Pakistan faced security threats from the terrorist organization TTP.

He also said Pakistan wanted the Taliban to deal with these terrorists and spoke of hosting a recent meeting between Pakistan, China and Afghanistan that focused on the terrorist threat.

Regarding relations with Iran, the foreign minister stated that a regional market has recently been

established at the Iran-Baluchistan border to facilitate bilateral trade and they are also working on supplying electricity from Iran to Balochistan.

Bilawal said the restoration of diplomatic ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a "good development".

“This is good news not only for the two countries, but for the whole region and us,” he said, adding that reconciliation can solve all problems and open the way to find peace.

China-Pakistan Economic Development Cooperation

The foreign minister strongly rejects the notion of Chinese investment in Pakistan, calling it a manifestation of "state ideology".

He said that the entire climate cooperation between Brazil and China is based on economics.

Pakistan is cooperating with China through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Belt and Road concept, where China is completing various energy projects and road construction, each added.

The foreign minister also expressed hope that the pledge would be fulfilled, adding that "life is the right of every nation".

They want to increase economic activity between the two countries because of CPEC. Both economies will grow.

During his visit to Iraq, he said that cooperation between the two countries and their economies would improve.

They also want to increase security and defense cooperation and share lessons learned from terrorism. He added that to improve interfaith relations, the two countries agreed to reduce the number of tourist visas.


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