How America Succeeds in the World It's Time to Expand the UN Security Council

In many parts of the world, there is anger over growing European interest in and investment in Ukraine. Countries outside Europe are torn apart by war and crisis, but Kiev pays little attention to their suffering. As India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, said in June 2022, the rich countries’ proposal to Ukraine would treat European problems as “global problems,” although “international problems are not considered European problems.”

This is a problem for the Biden administration. The United States must look beyond its powerful Western allies and seek support from around the world as it responds to threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin and China's growing economic, political, and territorial ambitions. It needs to strengthen ties with the many emerging powers, such as Brazil and India, that are now caught between Washington and its rivals. Some of these governments have interests in the United States. New Delhi, for example, is fighting Beijing's growth. However, none of them will fully integrate into the United States if they feel that US policymakers do not care about their needs or see them as political partners.

These countries have different interests, which is why America likes them all. But there is one way Washington can take the lead in backing these countries' ambitions and projecting their growing influence: kickstart the long-running debate on expanding the U.N. Security Council. Most of the most developed countries in the world are looking for physical space, and US expansion may be a step-by-step process. If all goes well, the driver can pay the fare. The international security architecture would reinforce the post-1945 order won by the Biden administration, contain threats from states capable of participating in Europe, and find ways to isolate and better discriminate when China and Russia violate these rules. The car of the world.

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It's not easy to have an efficient plan and drive without any damage. The past few decades have seen unprecedented progress and a high rate of change. To be implemented, a decision to change the Security Council must be backed by two-thirds of the UN General Assembly (or 128 of the current 193 members) and the five permanent members of the Security Council.

Many strategies currently focus on admitting countries to permanent membership of the Security Council, an idea that is highly controversial as it would weaken the power of permanent members and provide opportunities for new teams. Allowing nations to survive at the expense of their regional enemies. A Biden administration could alleviate this problem by suggesting that the United Nations create a new, flexible system for allocating congressional seats based on population and household wealth. They can be replaced from time to time if a resident's stats change (e.g. after ten years of service). While granting the veto to permanent members may carry no political power, they do reap other benefits, including a permanent voice and vote in the world's largest security forum.

These simple structures help protect the integrity of the Council over the long term. The composition of the UN Security Council has not changed since its establishment, so it is not adapted to the current situation and its importance in the world has decreased. By assigning seats as required, the airframe can be changed according to the country in which it is located. If the change goes according to Washington's plan, the United States will have leadership in areas closely related to the capital it needs.

Actions and Words

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the world seemed to agree on the principles of nonviolence, governance, and human rights. But outside of the West this is a misconception. Major countries in Africa, Asia, and South America rejected the UN General Assembly's decision to condemn the war. Many African and Middle Eastern countries have complained that Europe accepts refugees from Ukraine but rejects migrants from Syria, Sudan and elsewhere. According to U.S. officials, South Africa has also sent weapons to Russia despite its pledge to remain neutral. Wars have caused global food shortages, disrupted energy supplies and increased inflation, especially in poor countries. The latter reflects the long-standing negative nature of the modern world, with the former superpower still in control.

The Biden administration knows it needs to improve relations with countries in the middle, especially as Beijing and Moscow try to persuade these countries to leave Washington. It knows that pushing for Council reform is the best way forward. This is why US President Biden confirmed in his speech at the United Nations last September that he supports increasing the number of non-permanent and absolute permanent members. He reiterated previous US calls for other countries to gain permanent seats (Washington backed the aspirations of Germany, India and Japan) and spoke of the need to represent Latin America and the Caribbean, including Africa, at scale. manage. Biden's speech was not just empty words. U.S. diplomats, including U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield, are exploring the idea of ​​expanding — a process that opened with strong momentum as this year's event opened, according to The Washington Post. The conference will be held in September.

Biden's speech was well received by other world leaders. For example, the British foreign secretary hopes to expand the size of the council in June. Biden's comments raised expectations among the candidates, suggesting that long-held hopes will not be dashed. But to show that it is important not just to accept but to lead a sovereign state, Washington must promote an idea that can overcome the obstacles it imposes.

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