Opinion: Giuliani is who we think he is

Editor's note: John Philp is a journalist and filmmaker in Brooklyn, New York. In 2003, he co-wrote and directed the documentary "Rudyland," with Matthew Carnahan, which he is currently producing. The opinions expressed in this review are his own. Learn more about CNNs.

Rudy Giuliani's swift descent into political chaos is astonishing and surprising. Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, they're in a different legal and moral dilemma.

John Phelps

The same qualities that have made Giuliani successful in the past -- his love of power and desire for attention -- now trickle down his neck. A surprising variation of Greek drama. In fact, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus pointed out that "man's nature is his destiny". Giuliani is the subject of the human form.

The former New York City mayor says he will turn himself in to authorities in Fulton County, Georgia, this week and face charges along with former clients and opponents of former President Donald Trump and 17 alleged whistleblowers . overthrow him. 2020 presidential election.

Like Trump, he faces 13 charges and denies any wrongdoing. In response to the allegations, Giuliani, 79, said: "This is bad for American democracy and will forever damage our justice system." Fani Willis charged Giuliani under Georgia's Racketeering Enforcement Act. The laws are the same crime-fighting laws that Giuliani pushed as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1989. He used federal RICO laws to challenge the depths of the crime, tying all players together. compatibility. As petty criminals began serving long prison sentences, many of them betrayed their bosses and brought down skilled detectives like "Fat Tony" Salerno and "Snake" Carmine Persico.

“As a prosecutor, Rudy was considered one of the best — the best,” said Ken Frydman, the press secretary for Giuliani, who won the mayor in 1993.

Giuliani's case was legendary, and Rudy's was legendary. Asked about his good reputation, he highlighted his reputation as a tyrant who killed what he said were "nearly evil" criminals.

(However, in 2000, after journalist Wayne Barrett revealed his involvement in a scandal in a book, Giuliani admitted that his father had an affair with his relative. Giuliani said his father's "mistakes" drove him to the law. .)

Zhu Liani launched a campaign to clean up Wall Street. In 1988, he used RICO charges to extort $650 million from the brokerage firm of Drexel Burnham Lambert over an alleged sale of securities.

Willis is also using Georgia's RICO law to sue public school teachers for fraud and to sue Atlanta music mogul Young Thug, who allegedly led a lawsuit. (The rapper maintains his innocence.)

What happened to Rudy Giuliani? Two famous videos help explain

In the past, Giuliani may be satisfied with the legal process of harassment, but he called the charges against him a "senseless use of fraud laws" and called Willis a A "stupid" prosecutor. "If he worked for me, I would fire him," Giuliani said this month.

Giuliani has been temporarily barred from practicing law in New York state in 2021 for "false and untrue statements" challenging the 2020 election results, just as the committee wants Washington, D.C., to replace him.

Given the number of allegations against Giuliani, one wonders how Giuliani will run the nation's capital. It's easy to understand if you know the timing of his run.

In the early 1990s, crime was rampant in New York City. Giuliani launched a campaign to destroy the city. When he was mayor, crime dropped and the economy rose. However, this era was also marked by political breakdown, anti-apartheid policies, and police violence that resulted in the beating and killing of many black people.

Who could forget Giuliani's jibes about other bad things about the city's police force? In his drive to impeach then-Mayor David Dinkins, he addressed riots over a September 1992 rally by off-duty police officers.

Many white police officers — some wearing obscene racist signs and chanting the “N” word — protested the city’s first black mayor’s initiative to create a civilian review board to investigate police crime. There's little debate about who isn't the ultimate boss.

Then terrorists killed America.

What happened to Rudy Giuliani? Long story short

On September 11, 2001, Giuliani emerged as the most capable and beloved leader with tragic consequences. "We're not just building, we're stronger than ever," he said the night after the ground attack. His leadership has earned him a title that has never changed -- Mayor of the United States.

This is not a modified Giuliani. The same people who marched in cities before 9/11 to fight were the same people who faced attack. But fate turned his shortcomings into advantages.

"Confidence, pride...those are things we needed in the past," TV writer Ron Kuby told me in Rudyland, a documentary I made with Matthew. Carnahan.

Giuliani has never been better. Days after the attack, he reversed his decision to resign as mayor. People laughed. After he took office, he began to pay the money he received.

He published a bestselling book, Leadership, full of self-deprecating and circumstantial stories. In addition to providing legal services, he has started a security firm whose client list includes the shadowy Sheikh of Qatar and Purdue Pharmaceuticals, a widely criticized pharmaceutical company.

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