As tensions rise, the biggest question remains: What is Israel's policy in Gaza?

Tal and Zak don't know how long they will be in the so-called "Gaza Strip," an area of ​​Israel that was attacked by Hamas terrorists two weeks ago Southern region. .

Maybe a week, maybe a month, they said. "It's the same for everyone. No one knows," Zucker told CNN from a military base near the Gaza border. The two young soldiers, whom CNN is not naming for security reasons, serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and were evacuated from the area after Hamas militants killed 1,400 civilians and about 200 people on October 7 .

Their group is part of a larger group of Israeli soldiers and guns in Gaza. In addition to its normal strength, the IDF called up 300,000 reservists, who reached their positions within hours. Across Israel, highways near major centers were lined with thousands of vehicles abandoned by security forces rushing into battle.

An Israeli invasion of Gaza is now inevitable. On Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant told soldiers gathered near the border that they would "see" the border from "the inside" and that Gaza "will never be the same again."

But I don’t know what the specific job is. The IDF could launch a full-scale attack or use direct attacks to retaliate against detainees and Hamas operatives.

What will happen is a big question. While Israeli leaders have spoken of the need to eliminate Hamas, future plans for Gaza and its population of more than 2 million are unclear.

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"There is a perception that anything other than wiping out Hamas would be bad, not just for Israel but for the entire region and the world," said Harel Jolev, senior fellow at Moses explain. Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University.

"This means that the buildings there, the city under the city - what we call the Gaza City Metro" were damaged, Chorev told CNN, referring to the metro used to transport people and goods, store stone and rocky main road. . Weapons and Buildings Hamas Rules and Regulation Center. He added: "This means they will be in trouble in all areas and, of course, they will destroy the leadership in Gaza and elsewhere."

On October 20, 2023, an Israeli Merkava tank passed through close Fence near Kibbutz Beeri on the Gaza border.

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