Violations And Crimes' Barack Obama's White House Now at Center of Biden Scandal as Republicans Reveal the Biden WH Delaying Hunter Docs, They Allege This is getting serious.


    • 4 years of Joe Biden was nothing more than four more years of failed America last policies of Barack Obama because everyone knows that senile Joe Biden was not in charge as he publicly continues to say he needs to ask permission from this person and that person to do almost anything and to go almost anywhere and all his thoughts were and are prescripted.

    • The corruption of one day is used to distract people from the corruption and malfeasance from the days before and every day there's another calamity such as food processing plants burning down, train derailments, schools that Democrat Congressional members refused to harden with taxpayer dollars in order to protect the students continue to be subjected to mass shootings and Democrat leaders are too busy using the very crimes their own policies created to take away effective firearms from the American people who never abused them.

  • Valerie Jarrett, President Obama’s chief adviser and family friend, proudly announced Monday that his administration had been scandal free during his eight years in office.

  • Breitbart News, however, disagreed and presented a short list of 18 scandals but there were many more

  • The great “stimulus” heist: Mr.

  • Obama grabbed almost trillion dollars for “stimulus” spending, but created virtually zero private-sector jobs, allowed a great deal of the money to vanish and spent the rest of his presidency complaining he needed hundreds of billions more to repair roads and bridges.

  • Operation Fast and Furious: Mr.

  • Obama’s insane program to use American gun dealers and straw purchasers to arm Mexican drug lords so the administration could complain about lax regulations on American gun sales to restrict American Second Amendment constitutional rights.

    • Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress: Because of Operation of Fast and Furious.

    • the White House, Democrats and the press protected him.

    • Mr.

    • Holder said it was “politically motivated.”

    • ObamaCare: ObamaCare would not be affordable said Jonathan Gruber, Ph.D., MIT professor of economics and chief architect of ObamaCare which passed March 23, 2010, without any Republican vote.

    • “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” he said in San Francisco in 2012.

    • “And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

    • The lies started earlier.

    • On June 23, 2009, Mr.

    • Obama said, “We will keep this promise to the American people … if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan.

    • Period.”

    • That was the “lie of the year,” said Politifact, a project of the Tampa Bay Times.

    • We heard in one presidential debate, “If you’ve got health insurance, you keep your own insurance, you keep your own doctor.” It was a lie.

    • Spying on journalists: AP reporters and James Rosen of Fox News, etc.

    • The IRS scandal: Selective targeting of conservative groups, i.e., pro-life and Tea Party groups, by a politicized IRS, denying tax exempt status.

    • IRS officials lied allowing scandal kingpin Lois Lerner to retire taxpayer funded.

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    • Benghazi: In a failed attempt to send arms to Syrian rebels, four Americans died because Mr.

    • Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to send help.

    • They then lied about the cause of the attack for weeks afterward, prompting Mrs.

    • Clinton to ask “What difference at this point does it make?”

        • When you have an Administration that is more interested in profiting from government and using other nations to money launder taxpayer dollars into Democrat Congressional members reelection campaigns, Democrats have proven that they're more interested in covering themselves, covering up their corruption and profiting from the relationships with foreign interest groups and illegal power grabs than making the American people the first priority.

        • There were many more scandals, lies crimes and acts of treason from the Obama Administration and the Joe Biden Administration is just a continuation of governmental malfeasance.

        • But one thing is for sure, it's time for change in America.

        • ​Obama's White House Now At Center Of Biden Scandal: 'Violations And Crimes'

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