Foreign media interest in Taiwan grows amid crisis - Focus on Taiwan Taipei, June 10 (Central News Agency) Amid the Taiwan Strait dispute and the rivalry between the US and China, foreign media interest in Taiwan and the Interest in publishing in Taiwan has increased. and website. 444 444

Freelance writer Adrian Seymour (left) and Wall Street Journal reporter Wang Ruoyu (second right) with Taiwanese journalists participated in "Journalism Football in Sino-U.S. Geopolitical Competition" on Saturday ". CNA photo June 10, 2023

Taipei, June 10 (Central News Agency) Amid tensions and competition in the Taiwan Strait, foreign media has shown increased interest in Taiwan and Taiwanese publications working in the field .

Adrian Seymour, a freelance journalist from Taiwan, said in a speech in Taipei on Saturday that French media interest in Taiwan, especially in political and military issues, has increased significantly in recent years.

With only seven months to go before Taiwan's presidential and constitutional elections due to the ongoing war, there are six journalists in Taiwan supporting France, such as Le Figaro and Mediapart, he said.

In addition to independent journalists, the European media headquarters will also send a "special message", he said.

Seymour, who currently writes for Radio France Internationale and Libération, said that when he moved to Taiwan in 2019 to cover the last presidential election, he was the only one involved with the media and the French language.

"Wall Street Journal" reporter Joyu Wang (Wang Ruoyu) also expressed the same opinion, saying that when he was working for an American newspaper in Hong Kong, "very few" news about Taiwan had keywords.

There are

articles on the website.

Taiwan's growing interest in the magazine is "something I've never seen before," he said, adding that interest should continue to grow heading into Election Day in January.

"Taiwan is the most difficult issue," he said, as relations between Beijing and Washington remain tense, so the US will pay close attention to next year's elections

While international media has seen a lot of interest in Taiwan, many Both focus on politics and the war between Taiwan and China, Seymour said.

Not because they have a political agenda, but because stories like this attract attention, he said.

With that in mind, Wang said he would try to incorporate other issues he felt were also important into his discussion of the war

In March 2021, he brought up China's ban on imports of pineapples from Taiwan, when he discussed the efforts of the people of Taiwan to prevent the ban from increasing political conflict between Taipei and Beijing.

(*) According to Mr Seymour, although most of the news is about Taiwanese, French media editors want their reporters to include some Chinese elements in the news.

For example, he went on to say that when writing about Taiwanese pop music, a reporter might have to compare the discourse power in Taiwan with his music industry in China.

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