UPDATE: Biden slams Trump's order to raise hundreds at 'Garden of American Heroes'

President Joe Biden on Friday rejected former President Donald Trump's order to create a "National Garden of American Heroes" to honor hundreds of American celebrities.

"Biden repeals 'National Garden of American Heroes' law that Trump signed last year," wrote CNN's Kevin Liptak.

This field needs Americans from every era of American history, from Benjamin Franklin's founding fathers to Jeopardy! and Alex Trebek.

"In recent months and years, the belief in the greatness and goodness of America has been attacked in this country by America's worst terrorists, who seek to destroy the history, institutions and history of our country. 1776 Heroes vandalized, statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin vandalized and removed," Trump said in his order. "The dead who gave their lives to end slavery and save the Union during the Civil War are desecrated and monuments to Abraham Lincoln, Hans Christian Hegue and the heroic 54th Regiment are destroyed and lost. Those brave soldiers who saved liberty .that it was a disgrace to the Nazi regime, the desecrated memory of WWII veterans, and the hammer and tools of Soviet Communism."

"The National Garden Organization is America's answer to this destruction of our heroes, our culture and our Response to reckless attempts at life. And because of that, there will never be disruption and discord for people who really love their country and love their country. That’s the American way," he said. "Citizens build and build and rise while anti-American forces try to burn, destroy and destroy. This is our history. The United States responded to the destruction of the White House by rebuilding it on the same site and deciding to assassinate Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, the National Temple and the Hope Stone, and terrorism. 9/11 is the new Tower Bridge. In keeping with that tradition, America is launching a new national effort to restore, honor and celebrate the tragic overthrow of our first parents and past greats. "

Mr. Trump signed an order in response to protesters and rioters who in recent months have attacked statues honoring former Americans like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson because they were slaves. He also signed Orders on issues of American history. Such as the New York Times "Project 1619" promotes the idea that America should be free from slavery, not freedom and sovereignty

Source: https://www.dailywire.com/

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