What drives Putin and Xi Jinping (Part 2) Conversations with Stephen Kotkin and Orville Scheer

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are examining politics that few leaders have seen in decades. Even Mao Zedong and Stalin did not control world affairs the way Xi Jinping and Putin do today. Who they are, how they see the world, and what they want are some of the most pressing questions in foreign policy and international affairs.

Stephen Kotkin and Orville Schell are two of the leading experts on the subject. Kotkin is the author of many books on Russian, Soviet and world history, including the famous biography of Stalin. He is a senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University and a Kleinz senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Scheer is the Arthur Ross Director of the Asia Community Center on U.S.-China Relations. He is the author of 15 books, 10 of which are about China. He was a former professor and dean of the Graduate School of Letters at UC Berkeley.

In the second part of our interview, written on June 16, we talked about Chinese and Russian leaders' views on revolution in the West and the world.


"The Prigozhin Rebellion, Putin's Future, and Russia's Future": A Conversation with Stephen Kotkin

Stephen Kotkin's "Permanent Russian Geopolitics" 4 Or44Lifell4 Or44Lifell4 or 4 Schville 4 or "Schville"ell

44 44 If you have feedback, please email podcast@foreignaffairs.com.

Foreign Affairs Interview Produced by Kate Brannen, Julia Fleming-Dresser and Molly McAnany; original song by Robin Hilton. Special thanks to Grace Finlayson, Nora Revenaugh, Caitlin Joseph, Asher Ross, Gabrielle Sierra, and Markus Zakaria.


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