Ghana vs South Korea: Ghanaian women call for likes after previous plans against South Korea Read more: historic - world target/


fter Ghana's victory over South Korea to win the 2022 World Cup, many Ghanaians were celebrating Mohammad Qudus Ghana's mother, who adored the Black Stars player and asked him out via his Instagram DM. Many on social media users described his comments as outrageous 'fighting for the job': Read World Cup news, gossip, stats and predictions from Ghanaian midfielder Mohammad Qudus as he wows the Ghanaian public After being proud of 2022, there was a big surprise for people. In the match between Ghana and South Korea in Group H, the football star scored twice to help Ghana score. Ghanaian woman asks for Kudus Image: @dhopecy123 (TikTok), @kudus_mohammed Source: Instagram TikToker Dhopecy sends a message to Mohammed Kudus After Ghana's success, many Ghanaians took to social media to express their gratitude for their children. The addition of Adwoa Dhopecy is a great expression of his love for the footballer. "Acrobat" is a song about Ola Michael's funny shoes and he cries... A TikToker entered the Instagram user's private message and sent a message inviting him to meet. He mentioned his name and his country at the beginning of his speech. From there, he says; Find out more: Follow us on Instagram - Get mos Learn more: kudus-historic-goals-world cup /

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