Kim became a great leader in North Korea and he wanted to prepare for war.

Kim Jong Un, cigarette in hand, addresses a roomful of uniformed officials, pointing to maps and government portraits to "denounce" South Korea. Military Commission.

The purpose of the meeting, days after Kim Jong-un inspected a major arms factory, was to "prepare for all wars" and make "best preparations for wars," KCNA reported.

The meeting came as Seoul and Washington prepare for military exercises later this month in what North Korea said was an attempted attack and warned it had "more" time to respond.

Kim Jong-un fired Chief of Staff Park Soo-il during the meeting and was replaced by Deputy Marshal Ri Yong-gil, KCNA said.


Cheong Seong-chang, a researcher at the Sejong Institute, said Park Chung-hee, who was promoted late last year, may have been fired "for not showing sufficient military skills." .

"Kim Jong-un has shown the ability to run to the top when he can't control and perform his duties," he said.

Ri is probably the "best candidate" to replace Pak because he has held the position for a long time, Cheong said.

Weapons "mass-produced"

Kim Jong-un demanded "increased production of various weapons and equipment by all military industries," the report said.

"They also required a training session in the proper use of new weapons and equipment," he added.

Kim Jong Un made "an important decision to advance the war preparations of the Korean People's Army in a dangerous way," KCNA said of the North's military.

The latest KCNA report is "North Korea's response to an upcoming military exercise between Seoul and Washington," the head of Seoul's engineering ministry told reporters.

Pointing to what appears to be a map of Seoul, Kim Jong-un said of a photo taken by North Korea's Rodong Sinmun: "I think he wants to Send a message to the south that there is terrorism.”

The meeting also discussed preparations for a large-scale military parade on September 9 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of North Korea’s founding.

Last month, Pyongyang held a large military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Korean War armistice, Tohonga. Described the event as "North Korea's largest and most visible display of nuclear weapons".

North Korea also held a large defense parade to coincide with the show, with Kim Jong-un leading Russia's defense minister on a tour of the country's latest weapons, including anti-missile and spy drones.

sea, maintaining silence against the US military through medical assistance. I

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