Dutch election heralds a tough campaign and new era in politics

By Paul Kirby Anna Holligan

BBC News, The Hague

With Wednesday's general election, a new era in Dutch politics begins.

The Netherlands not only has a new party leader, but also its first female prime minister.

Mark Rutte's 13-year term ended with the defeat of his fourth government, an election centered on a host of domestic issues - from rising costs of living and homelessness, to healthcare and immigration .

What do you want to know about VVD.

Of the 26 participating parties, 4 are leading in the race to represent the Dutch Parliament. In addition to the VVD, the other three parties are the centrist party founded three months ago by 49-year-old Peter Omzgert, the anti-Islamist Geert Wilders and the former EU Commissioner Frans Left-wing party under Timmermans.

Nearly 70 percent of voters are undecided, according to this week's polls, which makes this election such a shock. For the first time in Dutch history, no party won more than 30 seats in the 150-seat parliament. Final approval took nine months, less than two years.

Who will be the leader

Dilan Yesilgöz: The daughter of Turkish immigrants, known as a "bulldog in heels" for her stupid politics,

she ran a phony campaign to become New leader of VVD. . A promotional video shared on social media showed him chatting with kickboxing star Rico Verhoeven. "I think they avoided these problems because the party has a lot of male voters," Amsterdam said Sarah de Lange, professor of political pluralism at the university.

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Dylan Yesilgoz, the justice minister in the previous Rutte government, was considered tougher than his predecessor.

He is asking voters to promise change even though his party has been in power for more than a decade, but he remains committed to the liberal message that is popular among Dutch voters.

He came to the Netherlands as a Turkish Kurdish refugee for seven years, but he raised the issue of immigration, promising a two-tier refugee system that would prevent permanent approval and better control of all types of immigration.

Unlike before he became head of the VVD, Yesilgöz agreed to cooperate with anti-immigration leader Geert Wilders, whose Freedom Party (PVV) is running the elections. But he said "there are big differences between them", citing his stance on Russia, Islam and "Brexit" (leaving the European Union).

Frans Timmermans: The only former left-wing leader who resigned as EU climate commissioner to lead a joint program with the Labor Party (PvdA) and the Green Left.

Another poll shows the leader of the Labor Greens is the most popular ministerial candidate among 18-34 year olds. But the man leading the EU Green Alliance was forced to abandon the party's pledge to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides such as nitrogen oxide and ammonia by 2030 after speaking to young farmers.

Holland at its best. "

There is no known collaboration between the three leaders, but collaboration with Pieter Omtzigt or Dilan Yesilgöz did not cease. The Quran and Islamic Schools

But Wilders now speaks of a "higher priority" and talks of "fixing" some of his policies, signaling his willingness to integrate them into government after 25 years as a member of parliament. , and he did a great job.

Pieter Omtzigt: The unlikely leader of the New Social Contract party (NSC) is popular in Dutch politics after a stellar performance in 2019 amid a crime spree that cost more than 20,000 families. This is called child benefit fraud and withdrawal.

Ultimately, Rutte’s third government collapsed in 2021. Mr Omzhit left the Christian Democrats a few months later and was unemployed for several months due to burnout.

In this event, its two main goals were not misunderstood: improving the economic security of Dutch families - bestaenszekerheid and changing the political management system - bestuurscultuur.

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Pieter Omtzigt becomes Emergency Minister, but he does not manage

Becomes Emergency Minister. Because he made clear "his strong desire to enter parliament" and lead his party there.

When asked if he would like to take the top job, he said he would like it if the cabinet were "ministerial".

When he captured his enemies. "Leading this country is an honor, not something you do because you have to," Dylan Yesilgoz said. “If you don’t want to be prime minister, fine, but just say so.”

Pieter Omtzigt explains that he will not join government with populist leader Geert Wilders because “as a party you can build a base government of human rights”.

Caroline van der Plas: In March, her far-right BBB Farmers' Citizen Movement won local elections and became the largest party in the Senate of the Dutch parliament.

Development is slow, but BBB may be available in next state. Their main goal was to control weather conditions and set up refugee camps, but was blocked by Mr. Vander Plas.

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